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🌏 WELL AP培训内容

日期:2024-10-23 21:03:43 人气:0
🌏 WELL AP培训内容

WELL AP培训日程安排 

AGENDA for WELL AP Training

第一天 Day2第二天 Day2

1) WELL 健康建筑认证概述 

Overview of WELL Healthy Building  Certification 

2) WELL 健康建筑认证与中国健康住宅评估体系的异同 

Similarities and Differences between  WELL Healthy Building Certification  and China Healthy Housing Assessment  System 

3) WELL 认证与 LEED 认证的区别和联系 

The connection between WELL and LEED

1) WELL 健康建筑认证七大技术体系详解:

 WELL Certification Technology System: 

A/空气 Air、 

B/水 Water、 

C/营养 Nourishment、 

D/光线 Light、 

E/健身 Fitness、 

F/舒适性和意识 Comfort and Mind 

Prerequisite and Credit Quiz  先决条件和得分项测试

12:00~13:00 午餐休息时间

Lunch Break  13:00~17:30

1) WELL 健康建筑认证十大技术体系中,以新建和改造建筑认证为例,详解 108个得分点。 

In the ten technical systems of WELL  Healthy Building Certification, 108  scoring points are explained in detail  by taking the new construction and  renovation building certification as  an example.





D/WELL Online项目管理系统概述


2)WELL AP考试概述

Prerequisite and Credit QuizConfidential

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